Region Örebo county Region Örebo county

Temaseminarium: Academic Publishing and Research Career-Myths and Realities

Fri 04 Oct 2024
10:00 - 12:00
USÖ, S-huset (UFC, vån 1), Konferensrum Docenten / Distans

Presentatör: Sonya Girdler (Professor of Occupational Therapy and Director of the Curtin Autism Research Group at Curtin University, Perth, Australia). 

At the seminar, Sonya Girdler will talk about writing for publishing and give tips for navigating the early career and mid-career years. 

Sonya Girdler is passionate about co-producing research with her autistic colleagues and interdisciplinary research, believing that ‘magic happens’ when neurodivergent individuals share their ideas and talents. She is particularly interested in enabling the participation of autistic individuals in the development, evaluation and translation of evidence-based interventions particularly social skills, strengths-based approaches, peer mentoring and mental health into practice.

The seminar will be in english.