We intreviewed 64 career counsellors in five different countries. Upon this, we developed a digital toolkit including efficient and inclusive digital tools for learning and training now and in the future.
This Toolkit increase skills and competence on how to use and adapt digital tools and on the methods to make career guidance for youth and young adults more inclusive. The Toolkit will be accessible and free to use for all, with links provided from national sources and in different languages.
Focus in digital awareness
Guidance is an ERASMUS+ project and focuses in digital awareness and understanding. The main goal is social inclusion and equality in career guidance throughout the education system. Together we are finding out the best way to carry out career guidance by digital tools, now and in the future.
We are a diverse group of organizations from Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Belgium and Portugal. The partnership represent local governments, universities, secondary school, and private NGO's and business support organization companies. We are running an Erasmus+ project 2021 – 2023.
The Toolkit was launched during the European conference MEETING THE FUTURE TODAY, in Prague 30th November.
Congratulations! It is a very helpful Guidance Toolkit, very organized, very accessible and inviting, with a plethora och QR codes provided, tools and methods clearly explained. Thanks for sharing!! Amazing work!! European Partnership are worth it!!
/Unknown participant during the ERASMUS+ conference.
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Last updated: Wednesday, March 29, 2023