The Swedish teams consists of participants från Region Örebro county, Competence Sverige and Norrköping municipality.
Why is the project important?
Laila (Region Örebro county): Together, we face some of the challenges of digitalisation that have arisen during the pandemic. It is a strength that the partnership consists of different organisations from different EU countries. We get to listen, understand and learn from each other, which feels extremely important at a time when togetherness and democratic ways of working are vital.
Sanna (Region Örebro county): Because it makes visible how the pandemic has driven digital development/competences for guidance counsellors. The survey also shows the diversity of digital tools available.
Kajsa and Sophie (Competence): The project is important beacuse competence provision is an issue that countries around the world have problems with. In recent years and especially during the pandemic, the world has become more digital and it is important to highlight how to combine digital tools with improving the worlds competence provision.
Anna (Norrköping municipality): The project helps to bring knowledge about digital tools and methods, that can enrich the guidance process and affect the quality of study and career guidance.
Lars (Handelskammaren Mälardalen): Career coaching is becoming increasingly important as the job market changes rapidly. By learning more about the use of digital tools, new ways of guiding can be created, which meet the needs of the future.
What are the benefits from taking part in the project in your organisation?
Laila (Region Örebro county): Valuable experience of leading and collaborating with other people/organisations in Europe and developing something concrete and useful for and with career guidance practitioners.
Sanna (Region Örebro county): Knowledge of more digital tools to use, the workshops give the opportunity to try new tools (good for those who are digitally immature to dare to try new ways), I see uses for sevens to work with, among others, homeless and students who for various reasons are not in school in a varied way and to use new tools in their daily work.
Kajsa and Sophie (Competence): Through the project, we get a knowledge transfer between countries and we can learn from each other's dos and don'ts and in that way develop and improve our specific work with competence provision.
Anna (Norrköping municipality): The project contributes to increased knowledge, not only about guidance and practice of digital tools in several European countries, but also about digital tools available in our own municipality. For us locally, it is very much about identifying the contexts in which knowledge about, and practice of, digital tools can add value to our daily work. Among other things, an important question is; How can we use digital tools to structure and present complex information and make it accessible and understandable to our students?
Lars (Handelskammaren Mälardalen): We learn new ways to use digital tools. It's creative and it's something we do together.
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Last updated: Wednesday, March 29, 2023